08 Nov 2022   |   by Pastor Seun Esan


As black clouds precede bountiful rain, so do problems, even impossibilities, precede miracles and showers of blessings. The greater and darker the clouds the more plentiful the rain. In this month of New Song, no matter how long you’ve been sing the song of sorrow, sickness and lack God will change your song this month. Amen.


1. ALL WILL BE WELL BECAUSE GOD SAID SO The reason why we are so sure that all will be well with us is simply because God said so. Instead of looking at circumstances, we concentrate on the word of God, it will be evident that all cannot be anything other than well. II Kings 4: 18-27, 32-35; Is. 3: 10, Ps. 34: 8-10, Ps. 37: 25, Ps. 37: 32-33, Ps. 37: 37, Ps. 112: 1-2, Ps.34:17-19, Is. 43:2, Heb. 13:5, Ps. 23:4

All is well

2. WHATEVER GOD SAYS CAN BE TRUSTED Every child of God knows that God can be trusted. Because whatever He says shall be done not only has He more than enough power to back what He promises, He also has the eternal life necessary to see to it that his decrees are not changed by someone else. Ps. 119: 89, Matt. 24:35, Ps. 33: 8-9, Is. 40: 6-8, Ps 62: 11, Rev. 1: 18, Ps. 33: 10-11 Lk. 1: 37-38

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